Attabad lake

The world has several places worth having a look at, Attabad lake is one of them. The Almighty Creator has created a piece of heaven on Earth which is known as Hunza located in Gilgit. Some tourists have also named Northern Areas of Pakistan as ‘Fairy Meadows’, which is indeed the best description of the mesmerizing beauty of Gilgit, Baltistan. Millions of people visit it yearly and stay there to experience the freshness and energetic life of rural areas.

Attabad lake was formed after the landslide massacre in 2010, which has now become an attraction for tourists. People from all over the world come to witness the magical beauty of the Attabad Lake. After its recognition, it got famous in no time because of its amazing scenery.

Imagine owning a property at a place filled with snow-topped mountains and lake that leaves everyone awe-struck. Yes! It’s possible that too in much lesser monetary budget. Land near Attabad lake is available for sale in extremely reasonable rates. The lake is near to the world’s largest mountains’ way called ‘Karakoram Highway’, just one hour away from Hunza.

The location makes the land more valuable to have, for commercial or residential purpose. Commercial purposes might be of extreme monetary profit in the near future, as Pakistan is now declared safer for families all over the world by the UN. Investors have started to take interest in certain commercial fields in areas near Hunza. Hotels, Restaurants and other adventurous spots are always less than needed at such places.

Thousands of people are interested to take a tour of the place in the near future, from Pakistan or other parts of the world. Having a land at such attractions has several perks to be mentioned. We will help you get your dreamland at Attabad lake that might give you what investment in urban areas have never given.